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We inform you that the part of personal data provided in this form are collected for:

  • providing the registration service
  • managing the contractual relationship
  • monitoring functionality of the Website
  • carrying out direct marketing activities, also on a profile basis (with consent)

As indicated more information on the processing of personal data is available for consultation Download information

I give my consent to the processing of my personal data by all Esprinet Group companies in order to carry out marketing, commercial information and promotional activities, also based on profiling, including the sending of newsletters and advertising material also through messaging applications. The profiling activities that will be carried out will be based on the analysis of my browsing and purchasing behaviour and will be used for behavioural advertising purposes.

Contatti Commerciali

Sede Commerciale e Operativa Via Pregnana, 32 – 20007 Cornaredo (MI) – Italia – Tel. (+39) 02 9348151

Email: info@dacomaidc.com
Email Sales: sales@dacomaidc.com

Dacom S.p.A.
Socio Unico Esprinet S.p.A.

Socio Unico Esprinet S.p.A. – Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di Esprinet S.p.A.
Sede Legale e Amministrativa Via Energy Park, 20 – 20871 Vimercate (MB) – Italia – Tel. (+39) 02 40496.1
Registro Imprese di Milano - Monza Brianza - Lodi e Codice Fiscale n. 04008840961 | R.E.A. MB – 2743242
Partita Iva: IT04008840961
Capitale Sociale interamente versato euro 3.600.000,00


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